Friday, August 17, 2007

What’s this I’m feeling…

I’m back in L.A. for a few days, for something I’ll explain later (it’s painful).

My younger brother’s friend has my interest and attention whenever I’m around him (thank God not often). Maybe it’s the rush felt from the fact that I can’t act on any feelings. Maybe it’s because he’s such a freaking cutie (he’s going through the experience of trying to be effortless). But he’s a cutie! Better yet: a charming, innocent, ambitious, intelligent, funny, young man.

Our chemistry is crazy, and certain body languages we share demonstrate it’s a mutual feeling on the low. I would never come onto him just on G.P. However, if a situation occurred where things just went in a non-calculated way, I wouldn’t be upset. LOL

So why is it taboo to holla at a sibling’s friend? Are they really like family? Or does it just depend on the situation. Aren’t their benefits to choosing a “friend”? Perhaps you know them and vice versa better than any stranger.


Anonymous said...

Is he a lot younger? Would it freak your brother out if you went out with his friend? It actually sounds pretty charming to me, but I am a romantic at heart.

Trenting said...

I think it depends on the situation and exactly how close he is to your bro.. I wouldn't sweat it, you are both adults, do what feels right. Maybe run it by bro to get his reaction to it..

T.a.c.D said...

i too think it depends on the situation...if you don't really see him as the "little brother" then why not, my brother is always trying to hook me up with his friends, HOWEVER, birds of a feather, SO i tend to go the OTHER way...

but definitely see what your brother thinks and feels...

and whatever it is you are going through, in my thoughts and prayers...

Ms. Confessions said...

Anonymous- He's 23 years old, so there's about a three and a half gap between us. Not sure what my brother woudl think. I know in the end my brother knows he's a great guy. But it's one of those things that could go either way.

Trenting- He's extremely close to my brother. He's considered a brother. I will be back in town next month, so maybe we'll see where things go then. Thank God I leave today! :)

T.C.- I see him as a guy I would date if things were a little different. I would normally agree with that saying about the birds. But I was surprised to find out how mature my brother friend is vs. my brother.

I wouldn't bring up the situation unless things became really invloved. We may go out one time and find out we have nothing to build up on.

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