Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Class of 1997

So my ten-year high school reunion is this September and so far less than half of my graduating class is going (it was only 150 of us). There are many bullshit excuses for why people are bailing out. Before I go there, allow me to back up and give a little history of my school.

I attended a school named Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (L.A.C.E.S); it’s a public magnet school. There’s a wait list and you have to take a bullshit admission exam t (at least there use to be) to gain entry. There were kids from all ethnic and social economic backgrounds that went to L.A.C.E.S.

Some kids were privilege and there were some that pretended to be. Our school prided itself off our high academic standing. After all, we had a little to nonexistent athletic department. We didn’t have a football team (shit we had no grass for them to practice on). Which is the reason why my school become an unofficial all girl school. College was heavily stressed in our school. We had numerous colleges coming to speak/recruit and various college prep courses.

Our school won the most distinguished school award while I was there. I remember that because, our retarded ass principle had a huge replica of the blue ribbon painted on the administrative building (costing over $4,000). Any way, we had all kinds of people at our school, some were in affluent families, some were in the entertainment industry, and some were just regular cool kids.

I recall on graduation day a part of the program included this long ass list of all of the colleges my classmates got accepted into and/or chose to attend. Our school bragged about the fact that 90 to 95% of our class was going off to college. Our valedictorian received a full ride to MIT and has since graduated. But I look back at that section of the program and I wonder what happened to all of these promising students?

As of today:

These same road scholars appear to have either something to hide, nothing worth talking about, or worst have not yet had the chance to grow up.

These are some of the excuses for NOT wanting to attend our ten-year:

“I didn’t like those people then, so why would I pay to see them now?”
I see we’ve matured quite nicely in the last ten years.
“I can’t attend because my baby daddy who’s an “athlete” will be in season.”
I wonder how Shaunie O’Neal or Vanessa Bryant manage to attend functions without their husbands?
“I don’t have anything to brag about.”
9 times out 10 you had NOTHING to brag about back then.
“ I’m pregnant and or about to get married.”
I didn’t know pregnant women were unable to go out in public. Unless your wedding is a destination one occurring within 60 days prior or after- YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE, you live in the same state.

My issue is with “our” lack of maturity. I would have thought we’d all learned and expanded our horizons since freaking high school. I’ll admit I wasn’t the more liked person in my class. Some may have even remembered me as being a stuck up, snotty bitch. But the beauty of change, is an attribute not everyone can experience gracefully. I am nowhere near the same person I was five years ago let alone TEN.

The fact that people are still harboring ill feelings and insecurities after all of these years is tragic. The purpose of this reunion (in my opinion) is to reconnect with old schoolmates, reflect on the good times, burying/squash any previous beefs, and have fun. It’s not a time for revenge, boasting, or being negative. In all honesty your success should speak for itself.

I wasn’t the most scholastic student while in high school. In fact, I was average, but I seem to be doing pretty damn well with my life. I find it funny that so many of these brilliant and conceited former students now want to hide from their previous stage of shine. I can’t wait until the reunion to at least see the people that I have mended relationships with.

But there are a few people I would pay to see and have conversations with (too bad they don’t wanna come).


Mahogany Misfit said...

My ten year HS reunion is in 2008 and my ass ain't going to that shit either. But ONLY because my parents divorced in my senior year and I had to switch schools in the fucking 12th grade! I hardly knew the people I graduated with and I don't give a damn if I ever see any of them again! ROFLMAO!

I WISH I could go to the reunion of my previous school though!!! That's where all my friends were.... :-(

Anonymous said...

My 10 yr reunion was last summer and I had a blast. It was nice seeing people I haven't seen since 1996. And some people never change.

Ms. Confessions said...

Mistress- well your situation is a little different. You were fairly new.

But my school starts from grade 6th to 12th and 95% of us were there the entire time. So we all watched each other grown up.

Southern Gal- I am looking forward to seeing people at the reunion. I just wish we had more people going.
But like you said- some just don't change...

Anonymous said...

Some people can go home again, and others cannot. At least you know the ones who will show are there to have a good time. It'll be fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't really know if I'll go to my HSR. If they're gonna charge me a lot, then HECK NO!

They got enough money from me and my family, while I was attending.

Blu Jewel said...

i considered going to my 20yr reunion a couple of years back, but they planned it for the day before Mother's Day. The event was over two hours away and I would have been traveling alone. In addition, many of the folk that I would have wanted to see weren't going to be there, so I opted out.

Joanne said...

Your post reminded me of what my mom sometimes likes to say, "What's now is just now...it's what happens the next 10 years and after that really counts and shows the truth." What a perfect platform hs reunions make for observations of the past decade.

I've a few years (which I'm sure will fly by) before my own 10-yr-hs reunion...so it's hard to say who or what I'll be doing when the time comes. But just like how I purposely went as a single (making sure I looked hot as shit) to my class' Ring dance last spring (which turned out to be a more fun than I thought, people who refuse to go just because they don't have a date sure missed out), I know I'll being going to my hs reunion just as proudly.

By the way, I was surprised by the clean lines of your new layout...and I'm loving it. Uncluttered and to the point, suits.

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