Sunday, July 22, 2007

People Celebrity Magzine

This is a random rant. I’m a subscriber to People magazine (reevaluating that now). I get this socially irrelevant “magazine” every Friday, and now I am wondering why the hell do I get this magazine.

For starters, why is this magazine called People when 99.9% of the contents are about celebrities? The contents pretty much display journalists and photographers who are snooping into celebrity’s lives that I don’t really give a damn about.
They may feature one to three pages featuring “everyday” people.

I’m sure in the beginning the focus was ordinary people (I hope)? Why not just revamp the name and call it what it is. PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LIVE THE LIFE OF CELEBERTIES (okay maybe too long) or maybe CELEBERTIY STALKER

They’re not concern about people like you and me (after all we have nothing to talk about or that is buzz worthy). When was the last time you saw an everyday person on the cover? I would actually be impressed with a magazine that didn’t need a familiar face on the cover to sale an issue (as it pertains to pop culture). Or perhaps, we’re not considered PEOPLE?

But as long as we (including me) continue to patronize these dumb ass publications, why would they change?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, I use to get US Weekly but I got tired of seing the same celebrities every week. There was nothing it there that could help me with everyday life so I gave it up.

Sorry to do this to you but I have tagged you. I sure you have had to do this before so don't be mad, it was my first time and I didn't want to mess things up.

Mahogany Misfit said...

You changed the layout around here!

Oh and I subscribe to two magazines...Vanity Fair and Essence. People bores me to tears for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Don't have the money to subscribe to any magazine.

LOL @ mommy tagging you. I understand...I tagged a few people before, but quickly stopped that mess.

Anonymous said...

Don't have the money to subscribe to any magazine.

LOL @ mommy tagging you. I understand...I tagged a few people before, but quickly stopped that mess.

Blu Jewel said...

i stopped reaple Peephole (my name for the rag) years ago. i lost interest when it became more about celebs that ordinary people. like we needed yet, one more rag about them anyway.


Anonymous said...

I have a colleague who now works for People. Prior to her stint there, she was an excellent journalist. It pains me to have to read some of the nonsense that she writes now. I saw one of her puff pieces on a famous black actor who "set the record straight" about his "break-up" with a jail bird supermodel who loves to throw cell phones at hired help (lasted all of three dates)and thought- who cares.

Magazines can always be cancelled. A more troubling trend is seeing the trifecta of skanks who now parade across my screen every night on the 11pm news. Chica can't get her dose of weather without seeing who fell out of rehab.

Anonymous said...

People has changed big time over the years and I truly hate Katie Holms haircut. It looks staight MOM like.

What I Have To Say