Tuesday, May 01, 2007


If there was ONE short term goal you could accomplish tomorrow what would it be?

I would have to say be finished with this Masters of Science in Entrepreneurship program I plan to enter into January 08. I chose this goal because I know without a shadow of a doubt; I will leave with an abundance of resources and extremely valuable and relevant knowledge.

I thought about this question when I had a few overwhelming feelings of not knowing where to start on my things to accomplish list. I have so many things I want to accomplish, but I needed to zero in on which goal to tackle first. And I chose the goal based off the start date and the importance of the results or return of investment once mission is accomplished.

So what would you do???


T.a.c.D said...

get my Project Management Certification and then at least be enrolled in my Mas Social Work Program for the fall

Blu Jewel said...

get my writing published and become a full time writer.

Ms. Confessions said...

I LOVE it!!!!

jendayi said...

have my masters in business administration.

What I Have To Say