Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Because It’s Blonde, It’s Alright…

Some things I assume are just beyond my control and understanding. My company hired a new receptionist for one of the centers I manage. The fuck up part is I didn’t even get a chance to interview this woman, which would have saved us the frustration of dealing with a person who has the mental capacity of person on life support. I am not sure whose relative this is, but there has to be some reason this woman was hired.

For starters she the only new employee including myself who’s undergone several training sessions to perform her job well. Yet, she still can’t get right. She worked at a car dealership previously as a receptionist, which is why I guess they thought she would be good as far as providing customer service and answering the phones. However, there are quite a few administrative responsibilities that this person must perform in addition to answering phones and greeting client. Number one you must know Microsoft office (not sure how any person would get job not knowing how to use word).

I have ZERO tolerance for stupidity. Sorry, but its true. I understand there’s always a learning curve to any new job. But damn it, if you’re lacking common sense and the assumption that you’ve graduated high school with at least a 2.2 GPA. (LOL)

I can show you better than try to explain. Here’s an email she sent to our IT coordinator trying to articulate her outlook contact issue. Now is it just me or do we all NOT understand what the hell she is trying to say. OH LET ME ALSO ADD, SHE BRAGS ABOUT BEING A WRITER….

Good morning,

How are you this morning? I ma great still feel a little weak and no energy but I be better soon, I talked to you about the email contacts for my clients the other day last week and how to send the clients all the same email at one time and I didn’t have the clients address cards with company info but I have to send the clients and email one at a time is there a way I can send the emails to everyone all at one it takes forever to do one at a time writing them in. I would really appreciate it and have a great day and hope your feeling better!!

Thanks a bunch
Stupid is…


Blu Jewel said...

all i can do is *smh* i feel your pain

Ms. Confessions said...

There has to be an explanation? And she’s not even HOT, so it’s not the looks.

When the hell did this become expectable?

Anonymous said...

Ho-ly-CRAP. I do NOT envy you...
I really hope she composes better emails for the customers...

jendayi said...

oh my goodness. are you serious?

matt williams said...

I knew some people speak ebonics but this chic writes ebonics.

deepnthought said...

wow. I am sorry anyone has to endure that.

Ms. Confessions said...

Black- it only gets worst on daily basis..

J.A.C.- Sad but true

True- LOL!!!

Deep- I am even more sorry she's an idot and has a child.

What I Have To Say