Thursday, April 16, 2009

Going Insane...

I wasn't going to post about this until I knew for sure what my fate is with this job. I am about to head back to their office for a 2nd interview with the director of HR. I have never had a follow up interview with HR directly. I am being positive, but a part of me wants this job so bad its scaring me. My interview is scheduled for 2:00pm today and its 1:13pm. I am about to leave but I needed to get this off of my chest and I didn't want to call anyone before this meeting. I am all talked out, we've rationalized the outcomes of this meeting enough...

Wish me luck!


Somethin Special... said...

I know its way after 2 pm now but i figured this is an all purpose cleaner.. Feed your faith and your fear will starve. Don't psych yourself out. :-)

T.a.c.D said...

I know you did well! As long as you went in as your confident self i know you did just fine...waiting to hear just how well it went

Blank said...


ChpterReads said...

speak positive, think positive and positive things will happen. You have to claim it, and you know its yours. Don't worry, you have the job. Peace and be still know the one that you serve has your best interest @ heart and he job is yours

What I Have To Say