Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stay Focus Man...

Damn, time flies… so I am still trying to balance my time between work, doing homework, attending my classes and seminars, and work on self. I’m back to my little habit of drinking energy drinks and freaking venti skinny cafĂ© mochas with an extra shot from Starbucks. I need something to give me a kick to last through the day.

Work is great, yet its still the honeymoon phase. I received my Treo and business cards last week, so I guess I’m official. I’ve actually never had a company phone before, but I’ve always felt I should have one through my last few companies. So now I am a loser walking around with 2 pda’s because I didn’t want to merge my existing cell number with my new one. But all new men will now get my work cell phone number…haha especially since its unlimited minutes.

All weekend I’ve been working on 2 case analyses and my business marketing plan for my classes (no partying for me). I did attend the delegate meeting on Saturday, but I left before I had a chance to see the entire process. It was crowded as hell 3,500 people standing outside in the cold at 8:00 am. By 10:00 am I had enough, not to mention all of the damn homework I had to do. I was even smart and brought the shit with me, but I was sick of standing outside and feeling clostophic. Sorry Obama, I’ll have to catch somewhere else, I wont see you in Denver…


T.a.c.D said...

well get it miss lady! you go head and rock on....

BeautyinBaltimore said...

School and work are not a joke. Keep going because I right beside you. Only a few more weeks to go.

What I Have To Say