Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Great First Interview Date…

Just when you think all hope is lost in the dating game, a stranger enters your life and restores a little bit of hope. We agreed to meet each other at my local neighborhood Starbucks (never want a guy to know where you live immediately). So we meet up at 6:00pm to explore Dallas’ uptown area (he volunteered to be my official city tour guide).

We started the night with dinner (typical) we ate at this spot called Café Madrid, and the food and service was simply divine. We ate various types of cheeses, olives, and sipped a number of Spanish red wines for our appetizers. The “main meal” consisted of different small portioned Spanish cuisines from chicken to seafood. Everything was lovely.

We then took a drive through downtown taking in the sights. The skyscrapers decorated with Christmas lights were spectacular. Our next location was McGuire’s for some after dinner drinks and more interesting conversation. It was refreshing to be in the company of a mature man. We seem to have a lot in common and our company wasn’t forced on each other. We let the night just flow naturally.

We are set to see each other again Wednesday evening. He insisted on seeing me before I left town for the holidays (which is perfectly fine with me). We also decided we would spend New Years Eve together. So to be continued…


Anonymous said...

How dare you keep me in suspense!

Blu Jewel said...

great news!

T.a.c.D said...

Ok...what's the bidness....geessh sistah...got me in sitches...

Anonymous said...

Oh Good Mommi...I am so freakying excited for you!

You ain't got to tell us everything but I can feel the beaming off of your words.

I always wish you the best with or without a man!

T.a.c.D said...

Ok....so I just read the updated version of this post...and I love it!!!! I love the fact that it was a "real" first date...and I totally agree with the meeting up thing, I do that as well...so kudos...and keep us posted!

Views of Diversified Mind said...

I have been reading up on your posts lately and not much time to comment, but I must hats off to a refreshing journey for you. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year if I don't comment before it gets here. BTW...I will be back for the continuation as well *). You need to write a book chica; honestly. We also have to talk about that trip coming up soon in the new year...

What I Have To Say