Saturday, April 07, 2007

Single Black Female: Light At The End of Our Tunnel

Sunday morning my friend, brother, single female, and I were going to have breakfast on our last day in L.A. We ate at a cool little spot called Nicks. We had out brunch (it was in the afternoon time) and headed back to the house. I was so ready to get back and get away from single female. I swear I had NO idea this woman would perform the way she did.

But now that I am reflective mode, I see we never really had a lot in common (in terms of solidifying friendship). I met her in college when I was trying something new in my life. Opening up and being kind to everyone (reform bitch). I’ll admit if we would have went to the same high school she would’ve been someone I wouldn’t even noticed. (Just completely off my radar).

I neglected to mention another classic moment during this trip home. During the day on Friday, I wanted to go Macys in the Beverly Center. Earlier that day it was brought to single female’s attention that she had a hole in the shirt she was wearing. So I assumed she would change into another shirt eventually. We were about to head off to Macys when I asked her if she was going to change her shirt (in the privacy of my bedroom). She looks at me and says “I didn’t know it had a hole in it when I put it on this morning.” So I say “well you know now so why pretend you don’t?” She then cops and attitude and I proceed to leave the room so she could change. As I closed the door behind me, single female calls me a BITCH.

LOL, now in my opinion a BITCH would be the friend who lets your ass walk around with a hole the size of a half dollar and ignores it. We’re about to go to the most popular upscale mall in L.A. and you wanna walk around with holes in your shit walking with me? I think NOT!!!

When I first met her, she was in her “gothic phase”. She was very condescending and enjoyed projecting a crazy/weird demeanor as a first impression. But I figured I’d give her a chance and provide her with subtle influence to change (which did happen to an extent). But some shit you cannot control and you have to understand this isn’t working.

I asked single female at the airport, “What type of impression do you think you left this weekend?” She looks at me and says, “I don't give a fuck what those people think.” Well sure I’d agree if you’d act an ass to strangers. But you bugged out in front of my loved ones (people who opinions matter to me). She then asks me a sarcastic question “What’s your celebrity story?” I didn’t entertain her, so I moved right along with the conversation. She made that remark in regards to several instances when my brother or friends would casually mention an incident where a celebrity was around. So as a result single female thinks that L.A. people are celebrity obsessed, disillusioned, and self-serving.

I wanted her to understand there are many celebrities that coexist with the residence of L.A. They are people just like us and try to live lives in a similar manner. Meaning you will see them at a mall, gas station, club, bookstore, beach, etc. So everyone will have a story especially when there are other cities and states that can’t relate. But if you weren’t such a social misfit little things like mainstream and pop culture wouldn’t offend you.

She then insults my family, friends, and L.A. residence by saying we have no morals or values. It cracks me up every time she mentions morals and values (yet you’re an atheist, whole other post). So I wonder what standards does an atheist use to measure one’s morals and values? I also asked who are you referencing as having a healthy family? Surely not your own and you have no other friends with the “ideal morals and values”.

Single female has the worst family I have ever heard of. I can bet my last dime that if I hit rock bottom tomorrow. Not only would my family but friends too would come to Dallas from L.A. to pack my shit and move me back home. Now single female on the other hand can have the same scenario happen, and your ass would be homeless even though your family lives in the next state over. Whenever you first Baton Rouge, LA; you sometimes are hesitant about where you’re staying because you’re not welcomed with open arms at your immediate family houses. Yet, my family has low morals and values. If you cant rely on at least your immediate family to be there through thick and thin, then who?

After this redundant conversation in the airport it was clear and obvious that we have nothing in common and she needs to learn a little more about life as it relates to social skills. She prides herself off being intelligent. I say there is nothing wrong with being smart, but it’s also important to maintain a good balance. Which explains why you have other real friends since you’ve moved to Dallas (three years ago). No one is going to give you an IQ test during your first impression. If you look like shit, have no personality, and no interaction skills- who gives a damn how smart you are? There’s nothing sadder than a grown ass lonely intellect playing trivia pursuit with her shaved cat….


bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

The desire itself is either one repressed, foreign flonase to consciousness, or it is closely bound up with repressed ideas.. Watkinson, who sat nodding in the rocking-chair, attempting now and then a snatch of nexium conversation, and saying ma'am still more frequently than usual.. The girl, beginning to feel a little uneasy, and seeing a customer entering, rapidly fixed up the bonnet, took fifteen dollars out of a twenty-dollar bill, and calmly asked the elder if potassium he wanted anything else...

T.a.c.D said...

you are off the hook....There’s nothing sadder than a grown ass lonely intellect playing trivia pursuit with her shaved cat…

seriously thought she really does have a lot of growing up to do and she obviously has to do it alone, nothing is more important than fam, and if she can't respect the fam then she doesn't respect you (well duh T...just read the last couple of posts) seriously though, can't blaim you...

she is totally in my UNBLIEVABLE category

Mahogany Misfit said...

OMG there is no way I could tolerate this chick. How incredibly annoying to have to deal with someone like this....ugh.

Blu Jewel said...

all i can say is that you're a better woman than me cause I'd have blacked out on her simple ass and she'd be trying to figure out where she was staying and how she was getting home.

jendayi said...

i marvel at your self-control. especially after she called you a B*@%$. i would have been done.

What I Have To Say